A Gallery & Some News

New Art Gallery at Walsall, simple, vibrant, informal and interactive – just as it should be.

Oh and yet again, I’m running behind on my best wishes to all you gorgeous ladies out there……Happy Women’s Day!

A 3-day delay is unforgivable really, especially when I’ve turned up without a recipe to show for it and also because I owe my schoolmate Sagarika, a loud thank-you for tagging me!

I should also let you know that my lifelong dream of visiting The Louvre (…or Pompidou, or the Eiffel Tower, or Pierre Hermé…) is no longer a distant possibility.

That’s right….I’m off to Paris for my Easter Break!!!

*Jumps up and does a pirouette!!*

I’m packing my camera, sketch-pad, water colors and a stuffy itenerary (something that I plan to put up soon for all of you scrutinize and add to).

Meanwhile, I have a request.

For all those of you who are lucky enough to have visted the city before, I desperately need help with the must-sees, must-eat-at, must-shop-at places in Paris!!!

Knick-knacks, high fashion, low fashion, shows, macarons, bistros, stationery, pottery, antiques, artichokes, coffee, et all!

Any suggestions?

Home Again

Only for four measly days though. But at least a vacation. Desperately needed a break from work…since we’re impossibly under-staffed…and those of us who still have their jobs are knee-deep in architectural soup.

BTW, I slimed out my camera inside the cabin and clicked a picture of my view.

I’m excited about the new look of the blog. Desperately trying to keep it stark and simple. Can barely contain myself.